Acupuncture Therapy
Dr. Ashok Kumar Anand (MBBS, CAc, FEA (UK))
35+ years of expertise in medical acupuncture since 1987.
Experience the healing power of Acupuncture with Dr. Ashok Kumar Anand, Specializing in Classical, Hand & Facial acupuncture . He has treated patients for backache, frozen shoulder, osteoarthritis, knee pain, cervical issues, vertigo, gastritis/GERD, asthma, diabetic neuropathy, depression and sexual disorders.
Acupuncture works by regulating the energy flow within the body, based on Chinese and Korean theories. Through the precise placement of needles, the treatment releases endorphins and other natural chemicals, promoting relaxation and healing. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, stress, or energy imbalances, our acupuncture therapy offers a holistic approach to restoring your health.